The Choral Contrarians

Anúna and Sean-nós. Feat. Michael McGlynn

Eric Barnum and Richard Robbins Season 3 Episode 4

Eric sits down to chat with one of Ireland's preeminent composers and musicians: Michael McGlynn.  They speak about the early days of Anúna, what the group has grown into, and its global influence over the course of its illustrious 33 year history.   They also spend some time speaking about how "Sean-nós" singing has directly, and indirectly, effected the model Anuna and Michael's own choral philosophy.   What exactly is "Sean-nós"?  Does integrating this concept into a choral paradigm challenge certain established norms believed by a good many choral conductors?  Is there something beautiful and powerful that Anúna is tapping into that would be worth to dwell on and pursue?

Pieces by Michael McGlynn (sung by Anúna) included:
"Salve Rex Gloriae"
"Amhran na Gaoithe"
"Quis Quis"
"The Rising of the Sun"